Users Editor Tool

Modified on Fri, 11 Oct, 2024 at 11:58 AM

Companies using Perceptyx-led listening events can request the inclusion of the Users Editor tool for their platform administrators. This tool enables administrators to give users reporting access for specific listening events by creating or editing user records. In addition to granting reporting access, administrators can define which demographics are available for filtering and which comparison views each user can see. After setting up users, administrators can shadow the new accounts to ensure they are set up correctly.

This article walks through:

Access the Users Editor Tool

If you have access to the Users Editor tool for a listening event, you access it from the event’s Advanced Reporting dashboard.

  1. Log in to the Perceptyx Platform.

  2. Navigate to the Analyze page.

  3. Access the Advanced Reporting dashboard for the event you want to work with.

From the Report Eligible section:

  1. Click View Report or Live Report in the appropriate event card.

From the All Reports section:

  1. Use the Search feature, if necessary, to locate the event.

  2. Click Actions, and then click View Report or Live Report.

  1. In the left panel, click Functions, then select Add/Edit Reporting Users.

The Users Editor tool opens.

The Users Editor tool is divided into two main sections:

  • Toolbar

Contains options for searching for, adding, and applying actions to user records.

  • Records Table

Displays details for each user record, including (but not limited to) username, first and last name, email address, employee ID, SSO ID (if applicable), activation status (active or inactive), and access summary. Each record includes options for editing, cloning, emailing, and deleting the user. To the left of each record is a checkbox for selecting (or deselecting) the record when applying actions. Clicking the checkbox in the table header selects or deselects all the records.

Search Feature

The toolbar includes three search feature components:

  • Search

  • Options

  • Search by List of User Information


Use the Search box to search by a single record field (username, email, Employee ID, etc.). The fields by which you can search are determined by the fields selected in the Options component.

  1. In the toolbar, click the Search box, then type your search criteria.

  2. Click Search.

The table refreshes and displays the record(s) matching your search criteria.


Use the Options dropdown to specify which record fields (table columns) are included in a search.

  1. In the toolbar, click Options.

The Options dropdown appears.

Each checkbox represents a column in the record table. If a checkbox is selected, the corresponding table column is included in the search.

  1. Select the checkboxes for fields you want to include in searches or clear checkboxes for fields you don’t want to include in searches. You can click the Select All checkbox to select or clear all the checkboxes.

  2. Move your mouse away from the dropdown to close it.

Your selection(s) save automatically.


Search by List of User Information

Use the Search by List of User Information feature to search for multiple records by Profile Username, Email Address, or Employee ID.

  1. In the toolbar, click Search by List of User Information.

The Enter or Paste User Information dialog box appears.

You can type or paste user information for each record you want to see (one record per line). The option you select in the User Information to Search section specifies the record table information to use in the search - Profile Username, Email Address, or Employee ID.

  1. In the User Information to Search section, click the option you want to use in the search.

  2. Click the text box, then type or paste the username, email address, or employee ID, as applicable, for each record you want to view.

Note: Ensure you use a separate line for each record.

  1. Click Search.

The table refreshes and displays the records matching your criteria.

Add User Records

You give a user access to reporting for a listening event by adding a user record and defining demographic access and, optionally, comparison views. You use the Add New User Profile Data dialog box to add a new user record.

The dialog box has five tabs:

  • Personal Info: Use this tab to specify the user’s personal information, assign a status and theme, and activate the user, when applicable.

  • Data Access: Demographic Based: Use this tab to restrict the data the user can access (the user’s “view”), based on demographics (e.g., Region, Department, Job Title, etc.).

  • Data Access: Hierarchy Based: Use this tab to restrict the data the user can access, based on selections from the manager hierarchy. 

  • Data Access: User Based: For Perceptyx use only.

  • Comparison Views: Use this tab to assign a comparison view, which enables a user to view data outside of their defined view without the ability to filter within that data. For example, if a manager should have access to a comparison view of the Region they are part of, you can select the Region demographic and then the option that is applicable.

Add a Record and Specify Personal Information

When you add a record, you first complete the Personal Info tab in the Add New User Profile Data dialog box. 

This tab contains the following fields (required fields denoted by an asterisk *):

  • *Profile Username: Typically, the initial of the first name and full last name (e.g., tsmith).

  • *First Name: The user’s first name.

  • *Last Name: The user’s last name.

  • Email Address: The user’s email address.

  • *Status: The designation that defines the user’s viewing permissions. Reference your Permissions Matrix for additional information about status permissions.

  • *Employee ID: The user’s unique employee identifier.

  • Default Language: The default language in which the user will see information, if other than English.

  • *Theme: The theme should be set to default. 

  • Password: The password for the user to initially access their account (if not using SSO). The system automatically generates a password in this field when the username and password email is sent for reporting access. If you need to manually reset a password, you can do so from this field. If you want the password to be permanent, select the Make Password Permanent checkbox.

  • SSO_ID: If using SSO for the listening event, enter the employee ID or other unique identifier being used for SSO authentication.

Note: Each user should have only one user record with their SSO ID. If a user has a portal account, the portal account should be the only one with an SSO ID filled in.

  • *Inactive User: If using the Perceptyx Platform, set accounts to “Active” upon creation by clearing the checkbox. If not using the Perceptyx Platform, you can opt to leave users inactive until sending account access.

  1. In the toolbar, click Add Record.

The Add New User Profile Data dialog box appears, with the Personal Info tab selected.

  1. Complete each required field (denoted by an asterisk *) and any optional fields you want to complete.

Specify Data Access Based on Demographics

You use the Data Access: Demographic Based tab if you want to use one or more demographics to limit the user’s data access. For example, you might limit a manager’s view to data for the Manufacturing Products business unit in EMEA.

Note: Best practice is to specify data based on demographics or hierarchy, but not both.

  1. Display the Data Access: Demographic Based tab in the Add New User Profile Data dialog box.

  1. Click Create View.

The Demographic View dialog box appears.

  1. Display the Select a Demographic dropdown, then select a demographic option.

The dialog box displays options for the selected demographic.

  1. Select the checkbox for a demographic option.

The count (n-size) for the selection displays at the bottom of the dialog box.

  1. If you want to add another demographic, click Further Refine View, display the Select a Demographic dropdown, then select another demographic.

  2. Select the checkbox for one of the demographic options.

The count updates to show the n-size with both demographics applied.

  1. Click Apply View.

The Data Access: Demographic Based tab updates to show the applied demographics.

  1. If you want to modify the name of the view, select the text in the Display View Name box and type a new name.

  2. If you want to assign comparison views, click the Comparison Views tab; otherwise, click Save to save the user record and data access options.

Specify Data Access Based on Hierarchy

You use the Data Access: Hierarchy Based tab if you want to limit the user’s data access to a specific portion of the manager hierarchy. 

Note: Best practice is to specify data based on demographics or hierarchy, but not both.

  1. Display the Data Access: Hierarchy Based tab in the Add New User Profile Data dialog box.

  1. Click the Data Access (Hierarchy Based) box.

A prompt displays for you to enter one or more characters to display the manager hierarchy list.

  1. Type a few characters or the name of the manager you want to select.

  2. When the name displays in the list, click it.

The selected name displays in the Data Access (Hierarchy Based) box and the Current Hierarchy Respondent Count displays.

The Summary of Access now displays as Hierarchy View.

Note: If you need to remove your selection, click the x icon to the left of the name.

  1. If you want to assign comparison views, click the Comparison Views tab; otherwise, click Save to save the user record and data access options.

Assign a Comparison View

A comparison view enables a user to view data outside of their defined view without the ability to filter within that data. For example, if a manager should have view-only access to a comparison view for their region, you can select the Region demographic and then the option that is applicable.

  1. Display the Comparison Views tab in the Add New User Profile Data dialog box.

  1. Click Add Comparison View.

The Comparison View dialog box appears.

  1. Display the Select a Demographic dropdown, then select a demographic option.

The dialog box displays options for the selected demographic.

  1. Select the checkbox for a demographic option.

The count (n-size) for the selection displays at the bottom of the dialog box.

  1. If you want to add another demographic, click Further Refine View, display the Select a Demographic dropdown, then select another demographic. If you don’t want to add another demographic, skip to step 7.

  2. Select the checkbox for one of the demographic options.

The count updates to show the n-size with both demographics applied.

  1. Click Apply View.

The Comparison Views tab updates to show the applied comparison view.

  1. If you want to modify the name of the view, select the text in the Display View Name box and type a new name.

  2. If you want to add another view, click Add Comparison View and repeat the above process.

The second comparison view displays below the first one.

Note: You can modify a view by clicking Change View and then making your changes. You can move a view up or down in the tab by clicking the up arrow or the down arrow. You can remove a view by clicking Remove View. Note that there is no confirmation prompt; the view is immediately removed.

  1. Click Save to save the record with the comparison view(s) and close the Add New User Profile Data dialog box.

Shadow Users

After you add (or edit) a user record, you can shadow the user to ensure their access displays correctly. 

  1. In the left panel, click Functions, then select Shadow User.

The Shadow User screen appears.

  1. Use the Search option to locate the user by username, name, or email address.

  2. Click Shadow next to the username.

The user’s reporting dashboard appears. A banner at the top of the screen indicates that you are shadowing the user.

  1. Verify that the reports/data appear as expected.

  2. Click the banner at the top of the screen to end the shadow session and return to your own dashboard.

Apply Actions to User Records

You can use the Actions option in the toolbar to apply the following actions to user records:

  • Activate Record

  • Deactivate Record

  • Update User Status

  • Reset Password

  • Send Email Notification

  • Delete Record

You can apply actions to multiple records at the same time, if necessary.

Activate a Record

Activating a record makes the user active for the listening event.

  1. Use the Search functionality to display the record(s) you want to activate.

  2. Select the checkbox for the record(s).

  3. In the toolbar, click Actions, then select Activate Record.

A confirmation message appears.

  1. Click OK.

A second message appears, confirming the activation.

  1. Click OK.

The check mark for the record(s) in the Inactive User column disappears.

Deactivate a Record

Deactivating a record makes the user inactive for the listening event.

  1. Use the Search functionality to display the record(s) you want to deactivate.

  2. Select the checkbox for the record(s).

  3. In the toolbar, click Actions, then select Deactivate Record.

A confirmation message appears.

  1. Click OK.

A second message appears, confirming the deactivation.

  1. Click OK.

A check mark displays for the record(s) in the Inactive User column.

Update User Status

You can easily change a user’s status, as needed.

  1. Use the Search functionality to display the record(s) for which you want to update the user status.

  2. Select the checkbox for the record(s).

  3. In the toolbar, click Actions, then select Update User Status.

The Update Status for Selected Record(s) dialog box appears.

  1. Display the Choose Status dropdown, then select a status.

  2. Click Update.

A confirmation message appears.

  1. Click OK.

A second message appears, confirming the update(s).

  1. Click OK.

The Status column for the record(s) updates to show the new status.

Reset Password

Resetting the password for a record clears the current password.

  1. Use the Search functionality to display the record for which you want to reset the password.

  2. Select the checkbox for the record.

  3. In the toolbar, click Actions, then select Reset Password.

A confirmation message appears.

  1. Click OK.

A second message appears, confirming the password reset. 

  1. Click OK.

The Last Password Change field for the record updates to show the date and time of the password reset.

Send an Email Notification

You use the Send Email Notification option to send a user the SSO link to the listening event (if using Single Sign On) or to send a link and login credentials to access the listening event. Perceptyx sets up preloaded email templates from which you can choose.

  1. Use the Search functionality to display the record(s) for which you want to send the email.

  2. Select the checkbox for the record(s).

  3. In the toolbar, click Actions, then select Send Email Notification.

The Send Email for Selected Record(s) dialog box appears.

Note: You can also click the Email icon in the Actions field for a single record to display the Send Email for Selected Record(s) dialog box.

  1. Display the Choose Email Template dropdown, then select the template you want to use.

The fields in the dialog box populate based on the selected template.

  1. Select the Activate Inactive Users checkbox if the record(s) you selected is for an inactive user (as indicated next to the checkbox).

  2. If you want to test the email, click Test.

A confirmation message appears.

  1. Click OK.

A second message appears, indicating that the test email has been sent.

  1. Click OK.

  2. Check the email account associated with the selected template to view the test email.

  3. When you are ready to send the email to the user, click Send.

A confirmation message appears.

  1. Click OK.

A second message appears, displaying an email notification summary.

  1. Click OK.

The Last Email Sent field for the record(s) updates to show the date and time the email was sent.

Delete Records

You can easily delete records as needed.

  1. Use the Search functionality to display the record(s) you want to delete.

  2. Select the checkbox for the record(s).

  3. In the toolbar, click Actions, then select Delete Record.

A confirmation message appears.

  1. Click OK.

A second message appears, indicating that the selected record(s) is deleted.

  1. Click OK.

Edit a User Record

You can easily update individual user records via the Edit User Profile Data dialog box, which provides access to all the same information used to create a user record (personal info, data access, and comparison view tabs).

  1. Use the Search functionality to display the record you want to edit.

  2. In the Actions column, click the Edit icon.

The Edit User Profile Data dialog box appears.

  1. Make your changes, then click Save.

Clone a User Record

You can clone and modify existing user records as needed. Cloning is helpful if a record is already set up with the data access/comparison views you want to use for a new record. 

  1. Use the Search functionality to display the record you want to clone.

  2. In the Actions column, click the Clone icon.

The Clone User Profile Data From (User) dialog box appears.

  1. Update the fields on the Personal Info tab.

  2. Make changes in the other tabs, if needed, then click Save.

The new record is created. You can use the Search feature to display the new record.

Delete a User Record

When necessary, you can delete a user record.

  1. Use the Search functionality to display the record you want to delete.

  2. In the Actions column, click the Delete icon.

A confirmation message appears.

  1. Click OK.

The record is deleted.

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