After building and testing your listening event, you are ready to invite your participants to the event. This process includes choosing the delivery method, adding participants, and creating and scheduling email notifications, if applicable.
This article walks through:
- Choose Your Delivery Method
- Add Your Participants: Email Distribution Unique Links for Each Respondent
- Add Your Participants: Email Distribution Anonymous Link
- Add Your Participants: Distribute Yourself Create Anonymous Link
- Add Participants to a Lifecycle Event

Choose Your Delivery Method
Note: This section applies to Point-In-Time listening events. For information on adding participants to a Lifecycle event, see the Add Participants to a Lifecycle Event section at the end of this article.
Navigate to the Invite tab for your listening event.
Choose your delivery method.
If your survey uses a PIN Page (enabled in the Content phase), select from the following:
Distribute Yourself Create PIN Page Link
Create a PIN Page link and distribute the link and PIN number to the invitees. You can upload, filter, and select your list of invitees. You can also generate and distribute a generic QR code to access the event.Email Distribution Unique Link for Each Respondent + PIN Page
Send a unique link via email to each invitee. You can also use the PIN page to allow invitees to access the event or generate a QR code. You can upload, filter, and select your list of invitees or use the Manager Hierarchy (if enabled) to select invitees.
Note: It is important to decide on the use of a PIN page at the start of the Content phase of the listening event build process. If you choose to enable the PIN page functionality after you have uploaded a participant data file, the file will be removed.
If your survey does not use a PIN Page, select from the following:
Email Distribution Unique Links for Each Respondent
Send unique links via email for each respondent. The listening event is attributed, meaning each participant receives their own unique link, and demographics are based on your source data and questions asked in the event.Email Distribution Anonymous Link
Send an email with an anonymous link. The listening event is generic, meaning a generic link is sent via email to all invitees, and only self-selected demographics (added in the Content phase) are included.Distribute Yourself Create Anonymous Link
Create an anonymous link and distribute it to respondents. The event is generic, no emails are sent from Perceptyx, and only self-selected demographics (added in the Content phase) are included.

Add Your Participants: Email Distribution Unique Links for Each Respondent
This option sends an attributed event/unique URL to all participants. Each participant’s demographics are tied to their responses, and they can submit the event only once.
Note: If a participant forwards their invite to someone else, the recipient can potentially take the event on their behalf.
When using this option, you select how you wish to add participants and complete the instructions for each:
Bring Your Own List
Import your own data using a Perceptyx templateHRIS Data Available (not an option if Manager Hierarchy feature is enabled)
Import HRIS data from an automated data feedCreate a Snapshot
Use the Manager Hierarchy feature to select participants
(* People Insights Platform users only)
Note: These options work the same way when you choose either of the PIN Page methods. The only difference is the generation of a PIN page URL, which occurs when you make the event active.
Bring Your Own List (Data Import)
Navigate to the Invite tab for your listening event.
Click Select below the Email Distribution Unique Links for Each Respondent option.
Click Select below the Bring Your Own List option.
The Data Import wizard appears. The wizard walks through the steps for downloading a Perceptyx template to populate with your data, uploading the completed template, mapping your data, and reviewing/resolving any potential errors.
Click Download Template.
Navigate to the downloaded template, then open it with an application that supports csv or xlsx format.
Complete the template with your data and save your changes.
The first four fields in the provided template are required (employee_id, email, first_name, last_name). Add in all demographic information in the remaining columns. Column names cannot include spaces (ex: country_name) and field entries cannot contain special characters (ex: ñ). The maximum number of columns is set to 20. If you need additional columns, contact your Product Manager or Customer Care.
Return to the wizard and click the File Upload box or the paper clip icon under Upload Data Template.
Navigate to the completed template, then double-click the filename.
When the Upload Complete message appears in the wizard, click Next Step.
The file is uploaded and the wizard displays data mapping options.
The first four fields are locked and the demographics from your completed template display below them, with the Demographic toggle turned on for all that do not personally identify the participant. If the toggle is turned on, the demographic is available in reports.
Note: If you turn the toggle off for a demographic it will not appear in reporting and cannot be turned on after the event launches.
Confirm all the demographics you loaded with the template are listed.
If you want to change the name that appears for a demographic in reports, update the text in the Label field.
Note: If you change the label for a demographic, it cannot be modified after the event launches.
Click Next Step.
The system processes the data. If there are any errors, they display in the wizard highlighted in red.
If any errors display, click the red error box, make your corrections, click Save, then click Update.
Note: Any records with errors will not be imported.
When all errors are corrected, the wizard displays a success message.
Click Save & Import.
A confirmation message appears.
Click Confirm.
The full list of invitees displays on screen, with all records selected.
If you want to narrow down the list of invitees:
Click the checkbox for any invitees you don’t want to include. You can use the Search box to search by name, email, or employee ID.
Apply a filter:
Click Filter.
The Add Filter dialog box appears.
Type a specific demographic in the Search Demographic box, if necessary, to display it in the dialog box.
Click the arrow for the demographic you want to filter by.
The Include From (Demographic Name) dialog box appears.
Type or paste one or more values in the text box (one per line), then click Submit.
The records found that match your filter criteria display in the dialog box.
Click Continue, then click Done.
The filter is applied and only the records that match the values you specified appear in the invitee list.
Note: If necessary, you can return to the original list of invitees by clicking Filter and then clicking Clear Filters in the Add Filter dialog box.
Click Next: Settings.
HRIS Data Available
HRIS Data is available only if you have an automated data file set up with Perceptyx. If you are interested in setting up an automated data file please contact your Program Manager or Customer Success Manager.
Navigate to the Invite tab for your listening event.
Click Select below the Email Distribution Unique Links for Each Respondent option.
Click Select below the HRIS Data Available option.
The HRIS Import wizard appears. The wizard walks you through the steps for importing your HRIS file, mapping your data, and reviewing/resolving any potential errors.
Review the Feed Load date to confirm the last file Perceptyx received and loaded, then click Start Import.
A Preparation Complete message displays in the wizard.
Click Next Step.
The demographic fields from your data file are listed in the wizard with the Demographic toggle turned on for all that do not personally identify the participant. If the toggle is turned on, the demographic is available in reports.
Note: If you turn the toggle off for a demographic it will not appear in reporting and cannot be turned on after the event launches.
If you want to change the name that appears for a demographic in reports, update the text in the Label field.
Note: If you change the label for a demographic, it cannot be modified after the event launches.
Click Next Step.
The system processes the data. If there are any errors, they display in the wizard highlighted in red.
If any errors display, click the red error box, make your corrections, click Save, then click Update.
Note: Any records with errors will not be imported.
When all errors are corrected, the wizard displays a success message.
Click Save & Import.
A confirmation message appears.
Click Confirm.
The full list of invitees displays on screen.
If you want to invite the entire population of your file, click +Select All, then click Next: Settings.
If you want to narrow down the list of invitees:
Click +Select All, then clear the checkbox for any invitees you don’t want to include. You can use the Search box to search by name, email, or employee ID.
Apply a filter:
Click Filter.
The Add Filter dialog box appears.
Type a specific demographic in the Search Demographic box, if necessary, to display it in the dialog box.
Click the arrow for the demographic you want to filter by.
The Include From (Demographic Name) dialog box appears.
Select the applicable options for the demographic, then click Apply.
Note: If you choose Email or Employee ID from the demographic list, you can paste in a list of values to search for participants.
Click Continue, then click Done.
The filter is applied and only the records that match the values you specified appear in the invitee list.
Click +Select Filtered, then click Next: Settings.
Create a Snapshot (Manager Hierarchy)
Manager Hierarchy is a feature that, among other things, enables Admin and Creator users to include the organizational hierarchy during the event setup process and use it to invite participants to an event.
Note: This option is only available to customers on the People Insights Platform, with an automated data file aligned to Perceptyx data specifications, and the feature is enabled.
You use the Snapshot screen to invite participants using Manager Hierarchy. The Snapshot screen is available in two views: List View and Hierarchy View. Both views provide access to the same information, just in different ways. You can toggle back and forth between the views and use whichever one you prefer.
Invite Participants
Using List View:
Navigate to the Invite tab for your listening event.
Click Select below the Email Distribution Unique Links for Each Respondent option (or below the Email Distribution Unique Links for Each Respondent + PIN Page option if using a PIN page).
Click Select below the Create a Snapshot option.
The Snapshot screen displays in List View.
In List View, information for each employee in the hierarchy displays as a record in a table.
Use the search or filtering option to display the employee(s) you want to work with:
Type a name, email address, or employee ID in the Search box, then click Search.Filters
Click Filters (upper right), select from the list of pre-populated demographic options, type a value, then click Apply.
Note: To specify multiple filters, click Apply & Add Another instead of Apply, choose another filter and specify your options, and repeat as needed. When you specify your options for the final filter, click Apply.
Note: Each filter you apply displays in the Filters bar. You can remove a filter by clicking X next to its name.
Confirm the employee(s) as an invitee:
For an individual employee:
Click Confirm as Invitee to the right of the employee’s information (in the Actions column).For multiple employees:
Select the checkbox for each employee, then click Confirm Invitees (top right).For all employees displayed on the screen:
Select the checkbox in the header row of the table, then click Confirm Invitees (top right). Note that if your invitee list spans more than one screen, only the employees you see on the first screen are selected.For all employees in the invitee list:
Select the checkbox in the header row of the table, click Select all xxxx employees for this table, then click Confirm Invitees (top right).
The Snapshot screen refreshes, and the record(s) for the selected employee(s) display a confirmed as invitee status.
Click Next: Settings.
Using Hierarchy View:
Navigate to the Invite tab for your listening event.
Click Select below the Email Distribution Unique Links for Each Respondent option (or below the Email Distribution Unique Links for Each Respondent + PIN Page option if using a PIN page).
Click Select below the Create a Snapshot option.
The Snapshot screen displays in List View.
Click Hierarchy View (top right).
The screen displays in Tree View.
In Hierarchy View, you can click through the branches of the organizational hierarchy to select groups or individuals and invite them to the event. As you click, each branch of the hierarchy displays as a card that shows the employees in the branch and their invitation status. Icons for each employee allow you to move them to another part of the hierarchy, confirm them as an invitee, or confirm a manager and their entire team as invitees.
For managers, you can invite just their direct reports or their full teams (all employees below them in the hierarchy).
Click through the hierarchy tree to display the employee(s) you want to invite:
Click the CEO branch to start expanding the tree view.
Click additional branches to navigate to the hierarchy segment or individual employee you want to invite.
Note: If an employee is a manager with direct reports, an Is a Manager icon displays to the right of their name.
Confirm the employee(s) as an invitee:
For an individual employee:
Navigate to the individual employee in the hierarchy, then click the Confirm as Invitee icon.
For a manager and their team:
Navigate to the manager in the hierarchy, then click the Confirm (Manager) and Their Direct Reports or the Entire Team as Invitees icon (bottom right).
The Select Invitation Type dialog box appears.
Select Invite Manager and Direct Reports Only or Invite Manager and Full Team, then click Confirm.
The Snapshot screen refreshes, and the Invitation Status icon changes from Uninvited (with a red dot) to Invited (with a green dot).
Click Next: Settings.
Uninvite Employees
Navigate to the Invite tab for your listening event.
Click Select below the Email Distribution Unique Links for Each Respondent option.
Click Select below the Create a Snapshot option.
Display the Snapshot screen in List View or Hierarchy View.
Display the employee(s) you want to work with.
Click Uninvite.
Note: To uninvite a manager and their direct reports or full team, display the Snapshot screen in Hierarchy View, then click Uninvite Manager and Their Direct Reports or the Entire Team. When the Select Invitation Type dialog box appears, select Uninvite Manager and Direct Reports Only or Uninvite Manager and Full Team, then click Confirm.
Snapshot Refresh
If a significant amount of time passes from when you create your listening event to when it goes live, you can refresh your snapshot to reflect the most up to date version of your organizational hierarchy. The refresh snapshot feature applies to the following invite types:
PIN page + Distribute Yourself OR Email Distribution
Email Distribution (unique links) without PIN page
You can refresh your snapshot at any time prior to launching the event.
Important: When you refresh your snapshot, your previously selected invitees and snapshot are discarded, along with any changes you made in the Manager Hierarchy. Any page or display logic based on demographics from your HRIS file are also discarded.
Log in to the People Insights Platform.
Navigate to the Listen page.
Find your draft event and click Manage Event.
The Event Builder opens.
In the Event Builder, click into the Invite phase.
Your current snapshot appears.
Click Refresh Snapshot (top right).
A confirmation message appears.
Click Refresh.
The snapshot refreshes to reflect the current version of the organizational hierarchy.
Select your invitees as described in the Invite Participants section of the Create a Snapshot (Manager Hierarchy) topic above.

Add Your Participants: Email Distribution Anonymous Link
The Email Distribution Anonymous Link option enables you to send a generic link to the participants via the platform. You can populate a provided template and send email invitations to the participants in your data file. You cannot load demographics when using this option. Demographic reporting is available only if you add self-select demographics to your event during the Content phase.
Navigate to the Invite tab for your listening event.
Click Select below the Email Distribution Anonymous Link option.
Options for downloading and uploading the Perceptyx template appear.
Click Download Template.
Navigate to the downloaded template, then open it with an application that supports csv or xlsx format.
Complete the template with your data for the Email, First Name, and Last Name fields and save your changes.
Return to the Invite screen, click the File Upload box or the paper clip icon, navigate to the completed template, then double-click the filename.
The file uploads.
Click the checkbox at the top of the page to select all invitees, then click Next: Settings.
To generate the QR code, navigate to the Launch page.
Select Generate under Generate QR code.
Click Download to download the QR code.
You can print the QR code to make it available for participants to scan with their mobile devices or you can send the code via SMS (text).
Note: After you change the event status to Active, the system will generate the generic URL for accessing the event. You can then set up your email template(s) and send invitation emails with the link to participants.

Add Your Participants: Distribute Yourself Create Anonymous Link
This option creates a generic link for you to share internally. No Perceptyx email communications are sent. You cannot load demographics when using this option. Demographic reporting is available only if you add self-select demographics to your event during the Content phase.
Navigate to the Invite tab for your listening event.
Click Select below the Distribute Yourself option.
The Settings page appears.
Enable any settings you’d like for the event. Once complete select Next: Launch to generate a QR Code or copy the event URL.
To copy the URL, click Copy URL.
Note: The URL is not live until you launch the event.
Click Generate to generate the QR code, then click Download to download the QR code.
Click Make Event Active.
Add Participants to a Lifecycle Event
Lifecycle events are typically “always on” events. Invites are sent out based on sensors that define the condition(s) for sending an invite to an employee. If you use a PIN page for your lifecycle event, the Invite tab displays PIN page link delivery options, similar to Point-In-Time events, before displaying options for configuring sensors.
Distribute Yourself Create PIN Page Link
Create a PIN Page link and distribute the link and PIN number to the invitees. You can also generate and distribute a generic QR code to access the event.
Email Distribution Unique Link for Each Respondent + PIN Page
Send a unique link via email to each invitee. You can also use the PIN page to allow invitees to access the event, or generate a QR code.
PIN page delivery options provide additional flexibility. For example, they can enable deskless workers to access attributed events through generic links without having to use SSO or enable exiting employees to access exit surveys after their work email has been inactivated.
If you do not use a PIN page, the Invite tab immediately displays the sensor configuration options.
Sensors are conditions that trigger the sending of an invite, for example a hire or termination date. You specify a qualifier, such as “approaching in X days” or “equal to 30 days ago” to give the platform a condition for sending an invite. As your data feed updates, the platform will send invites to employees whose information meets the condition.
Navigate to the Invite tab for your listening event.
If your event has the PIN page enabled, choose your delivery method by clicking Select below the option you want to use.
Note: If your event does not have the PIN page enabled, skip to step 3.
The Invite page updates to display sensor configuration options.
Display the Condition dropdown and select an option.
Qualifier fields appear.
Display the Qualifier dropdown and select an option, then type a value in the Days box, if applicable.
Note: Some qualifiers already contain a specified number of days, in which case you do not need to provide additional information.
If you want to add another condition, click +And to display another Condition dropdown and follow the same steps to specify another condition.
In the following example, invites will be sent to employees with an Exempt job status 30 days after their hire date.
Add more conditions, if necessary, then click Next: Settings to move to the Settings phase.
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