Comments Report

Modified on Tue, 10 Dec, 2024 at 1:17 PM

The Comments Report provides results on comments (responses to open-ended survey questions) and several ways to analyze the results by theme and sentiment. There are eight tabs available on the Comments Report.

To maintain confidentiality, a minimum response threshold is put in place for comments. If the threshold is not met, you cannot view comments in the Comments Report. For example, if the threshold is set to 25, at least 25 respondents must be present within the results view for an open-ended question to become visible.

This article walks through:

Access the Comments Report

  1. Log in to the People Insights Platform.

  2. In the navigation bar, click Analyze.

  3. In the All Reports section, click View Report for the event.

The reports dashboard opens.

  1. Click Comments Report on the left menu.

The Comments Report opens.

Summary Tab

The Summary tab provides a summary of your results so you can quickly understand where you might want to further investigate.

The Summary tab is divided into three sections:

  • Overall Statistics
    This section provides a per-question summary of results that shows the number of respondents, the percentage of comments that are in response to each comment question item, and the distribution of sentiments (positive, neutral, and negative).

  • Top 5 Most Positive Themes 
    This section provides the top five positive themes identified in the comments, each theme’s respondent count, the percentage of comments mentioning each theme, and the distribution of sentiments (positive, neutral, and negative). 

  • Top 5 Most Negative Themes
    This section provides the top five negative themes identified in the comments, each theme’s respondent count, the percentage of comments mentioning each theme, and the distribution of sentiments (positive, neutral, and negative).

These summaries help you identify what is going well and possible areas of concern worthy of further exploration.

All Comments Tab

The All Comments tab provides a way to view all comments submitted in the survey, conduct searches, and mark comments as read.

The top section of the tab displays: 

  • total number of comments submitted in the survey 

  • a percentage breakdown for sentiment (positive, neutral, and negative) among all the comments

  • percentage breakdown of intents detected among comments
    (Praise & Approval, Shoulds & Suggestions, Wants & Preferences, Needs & Concerns, and Angry & Unfair)

  • Search button you can use to search comments for specific sentiments, themes, words, and intents

The bottom section is the Comments section. Here, you can view comments for each of the open-ended questions in your survey and explore sentiment, theme, and intent analysis. By default, the questions display but the view of the responses is collapsed.

+ Expand All or + Collapse All 
Click the 
+ Expand All or + Collapse All options (top right) expand or collapse the response view for all the comment questions or click the plus icon or minus icon to expand or collapse the responses for individual questions.

When you expand the responses for a question, the following columns display:


Displays each comment verbatim. Comments submitted in languages other than English display on top with the English translation below (managed surveys only).


Identifies the themes, if any, detected in each comment.


Identifies the intent, if any, detected in each comment.


Indicates whether a comment has been marked as read. Click the toggle on to mark a comment as read.


Identifies the sentiment detected for each comment. If you feel an assigned sentiment is incorrect, you can click the sentiment and select the one you feel is appropriate.

Note: For details about our theme detection, intent detection, and sentiment analysis models, see the Comment Analytics Capabilities article.


You can use the Search feature to narrow the scope of the comment results based on specific questions, themes, words, or intents.

Use the dropdowns to refine your search by:

  • Comment Question Selection – Select specific questions

  • Sentiment Selection – Select specific sentiments

  • Theme Selection – Select specific themes

  • Search by Word – Search by a specific word

  • Exact Word Only – Search by a word exactly as typed in the Search by Word box

  • Intent Selection – Select specific intents

After you make your selections, click Apply to apply your search criteria. The Comments section of the tab updates to reflect your search results.

Thematic Analysis Tab

The Thematic Analysis tab lets you look at themes within the comments for further analysis. Keywords from comments are identified by Perceptyx and grouped into themes.

The top section of the tab displays the total number of comments submitted in the survey and a percentage breakdown for sentiment (positive, neutral, and negative) among all the comments.

This section also contains the Compare To dropdown. If you have configured trend to other surveys or have saved report filters, you can click the dropdown and select one of them. When you make a selection, a comparison bar displays below each result for which the trend or filter is applicable.

This section also contains a Search button you can use to search comments for specific sentiments, themes, words, and intents.

The bottom section contains an option for creating new themes and displays the following columns: 

Theme Name

Displays the name of each theme found in the comments. Clicking a theme name displays a visual breakdown of intents and sentiments associated with the theme.

Total # of Comments

Indicates the number of comments detected as mentioning a theme. Clicking a number displays the All Comments tab, filtered to show only comments that are associated with the theme.

% Occurrence

Indicates percentage of comments in which the theme is detected.

Positive | Neutral | Negative

Displays a percentage breakdown of sentiment (positive, neutral, and negative) for each theme. Clicking a percentage displays the All Comments tab, filtered to show only the comments associated with the theme and the sentiment you clicked. 

For example, clicking the positive percentage for the Belonging theme displays the All Comments tab filtered to show only the comments with positive sentiment and associated with the Belonging theme.


Displays options for hiding/revealing individual themes and for managing keywords for individual themes.

Create New Theme(s)

Although the system automatically generates a list of themes, you can create your own theme(s).

  1. Click + Create Theme (top right).

The Theme dialog box appears.

  1. Click the Theme box and type a name for the theme.

  2. Click the Keywords box and then type a keyword to associate with the theme. 

  3. Click + Add.

The dialog box expands to include options for specifying an exact word only match, keywords to exclude, and alternative spellings for keywords.

  1. Continue to add keywords, one at a time, until you have added as many as necessary.

  1. Click Save

The new theme is added.

Manage Keywords

Managing the keywords for a theme entails updating the requirements that comments must meet to be associated with a theme. The process is essentially the same as it is for adding a new theme – you can add new keywords, specify an exact word only match, specify exclusions, specify alternative key word spellings, and delete. 

  1. Click the pencil icon for the theme you want to work with.

The Theme dialog box appears.

  1. Specify your options:

    1. To add a new key word, click the Add New Key Word(s) box, type a key word, then click + Add.

    2. To specify an exact word match, select the Exact Word Only checkbox.

    3. To specify an exclusion, click the Exclude box, then type the word to be excluded.

    4. To specify an alternative spelling, click the Spelling Alternatives box, then type alternative spellings.

    5. To delete a key word, click Delete.

  2. Click Save to save your changes.


You can use the Search feature to narrow the scope of the results based on specific questions, themes, words, or intents.

  • Comment Question Selection – Select specific questions

  • Sentiment Selection – Select specific sentiments

  • Theme Selection – Select specific themes

  • Search by Word – Search by a specific word

  • Exact Word Only – Search by a word exactly as typed in the Search by Word box

  • Intent Selection – Select specific intents

After you make your selections, click Apply to apply your search criteria. 

Theme Co-Occurrence Tab

The Theme Co-Occurrence tab shows you how themes in the comments relate to a specific theme you select. The top section of the tab contains two dropdowns:

  • Question: Select the question(s) to be included in the analysis.

  • Theme: Select the theme that the others will be compared against.

The bottom section of the tab contains the following columns: 


Displays the themes that have some degree of relationship with the theme selected in the Theme dropdown.

Relationship Rank

Indicates the strength of a theme’s relationship with the theme selected in the Theme dropdown. The lower the number, the stronger the relationship with the selected theme.

# Comments

Indicates the number of comments in which a theme is identified.

% Comments

Indicates the percentage of comments in which a theme is identified.

Positive | Neutral | Negative

Displays a percentage breakdown of sentiment (positive, neutral, and negative) for each theme.

Word Cloud Tab

The Word Cloud tab generates a real-time word cloud highlighting the words and phrases used most often within the comments. The word cloud displays the top 50 unique words found within the comments, color coded to indicate sentiment – positive (green), neutral (gray), and negative (red).

Show Results by Number of Words or by Themes

The Show dropdown (top left) defaults to the Show 1 word option; however, you can choose to show results for two- or three-word phrases or for themes.

Note: The Show 1-, 2-, and 3-words dropdown results are based on the number of times the word(s) appear in the comments, not the number of comments containing the word(s). The Show Themes dropdown results are based on the number of comments containing the theme(s), not the number of times the theme(s) appear in the comments.

View All Comments 

Clicking a word, phrase, or theme within the word cloud displays the All Comments tab, filtered to show only the comments associated with the word(s) or theme you clicked.


You can use the Search feature to narrow the scope of the results in the word cloud based on specific questions, themes, words, or intents.

  • Comment Question Selection – Select specific questions

  • Sentiment Selection – Select specific sentiments

  • Theme Selection – Select specific themes

  • Search by Word – Search by a specific word

  • Exact Word Only – Search by a word exactly as typed in the Search by Word box

  • Intent Selection – Select specific intents

After you make your selections, click Apply to apply your search criteria.

Word Frequency Tab

The Word Frequency tab shows a list of the 50 most common single words, two-word combinations, and three-word combinations in the comments. This tab displays the same results as the Word Cloud tab, except results are listed in a table and don’t include themes. The tab contains the following columns:


Displays the number of times a word or phrase appears in the comments.

Single Words

Displays the most common single words that appear in the comments.

Two Words

Displays the most common two-word combinations that appear in the comments.

Three Words

Displays the most common three-word combinations that appear in the comments.

View All Comments 

Clicking a word or phrase within the Word Frequency table displays the All Comments tab, filtered to show only the comments containing the word(s) you clicked.


You can use the Search feature to narrow the scope of the results based on specific questions, themes, words, or intents.

  • Comment Question Selection – Select specific questions

  • Sentiment Selection – Select specific sentiments

  • Theme Selection – Select specific themes

  • Search by Word – Search by a specific word

  • Exact Word Only – Search by a word exactly as typed in the Search by Word box

  • Intent Selection – Select specific intents

After you make your selections, click Apply to apply your search criteria.

Hot Spot Tab

The Hot Spot tab provides a quantitative hot spot analysis of themes and sentiments data. Hot spots are pockets of responses with scores that are significantly higher or lower than those of other responses. You can check for hot spots across your demographic variables by examining sentiments and frequencies of comment themes, sentiments for question items, and sentiments for question items cut by theme.

The following options are available:


Specifies the question the analysis is applied to. If you select All Questions - Total, the analysis aggregates all data across all the comments.


Specifies a specific theme. If you select All (Theme + No Theme), the analysis aggregates all responses.

Demographic Selection

Specifies the demographic you want to show hot spots for. You can select up to two demographics. Click the Demographic Selection dropdown to display demographic options. Click the plus sign to add a second demographic.

Difference Based On

Specifies whether the hot spot analysis is based on Percent Favorable, % Positive, % Neutral, or % Negative, or based on theme prevalence (how frequently certain themes are mentioned across question items and demographic cuts).

Show Hotspots

Clicking this checkbox allows you to specify what score difference constitutes a hot spot. Options range from 20 to -20. When you select a number, the results refresh to show only those that meet the hot spot criteria you specified.

Show Comparison

Displays Overall scores as a comparison line. If you choose to cut the data by two demographics simultaneously (e.g., by Region and Country), then the reference for the Overall score will be the Overall score for the first cut of the demographics selected (e.g., the comparison for Canada would be the North America Overall score, for France it would be the Europe Overall score). A dot appears on a given line of data if the results do not meet the minimum threshold for showing results.

The body of the report contains the following columns:

Demographic Option

Displays the individual options for the demographic you select in the Demographic Selection dropdown. 

For example, if you select Region, this column will list each region included as an option for the Region demographic in your data file.


The number of respondents who answered the question.

% Positive | % Neutral | % Negative



A visual display of the Positive, Neutral, and Negative response percentage for the question or category you select in the Question dropdown. 


A visual display of the prevalence of the theme(s) you select in the Theme dropdown.


Displays the difference in the % Positive, Neutral, or Negative score between an individual demographic option and all the options for the demographic (for example, the difference between EMEA and Region Overall [all regions]). You can see the difference visually by selecting the Show Comparison Bars checkbox in the report options.

If you are using theme prevalence for your analysis, this column displays the difference in prevalence between an individual demographic option and all the options for the demographic.

The following example shows hot spots by region for all open-ended questions associated with the Benefits theme. Differences are based on the % Positive score. Hot spots are defined as a score of 5 or more percentage points lower (-5) in % Positive score than the Region Overall score, which is shown below the score for each region.

The following example shows hot spots by region for all open-ended questions and all themes. Differences are based on the Theme Prevalence score. Hot spots are defined as a score of 5 or more percentage points lower (-5) in Theme Prevalence score than the Region Overall score, which is shown below the score for each region.

Crosstab Tab

The Crosstab tab provides a cross tabulation analysis of themes and sentiments data. A crosstab is simply a table showing the relationship between two or more variables. The Crosstab tab calculates and displays a crosstab of theme occurrence and sentiment percentages, shaded according to an absolute scale (e.g., 100%-80%, 79%-60%, etc.), and provides 1 decimal point of precision.

The top section of the Crosstab tab contains the following options:

Crosstab Type (Theme / Questions)

Specifies if a Theme or Question crosstab will be calculated. If you select Theme, the crosstab aggregates the data by theme. If you select Question, it aggregates by question.


Specifies the evaluation type for the analysis:

Evaluation by Theme Occurrence: Examines how frequently certain themes are mentioned across demographic cuts and/or questions.

Evaluation by % Positive, % Neutral, and % Negative: Evaluates differences in patterns of sentiment across questions, themes, and demographics.


Specifies the theme(s) for the analysis. If you select All Themes, the analysis aggregates all responses and displays the percent of comments mentioning any theme (the remainder are the percent of comments not mentioning any theme).

Demographic Selection

Specifies the demographic to be compared with the selected theme(s). You can click the plus sign to add a second demographic.

The body of the tab displays the crosstab result for your selected options.

The following example shows all themes compared to years of service and evaluated by % Positive.

The following example shows a question associated with the Culture theme compared to years of service and gender and evaluated by % Positive.

Note: If you select Theme as the Crosstab Type, the Theme dropdown will be unavailable, as the system will automatically aggregate by theme. However, if you select Question as the Crosstab Type, the Theme dropdown is accessible.

Export Option

You can export each tab of the Comments Report in Excel or PDF format. Click Export (bottom right) and then select Export PDF or Export Excel.

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